Recent News From Unifor 2002

Air Canada District 401 Montreal: Notice of Acclaimed Candidate for 1 Alternate Health & Safety Representative

Air Canada District 401 Montreal: Notice of Acclaimed Candidate for 1 Alternate Health &  Safety Representative

3:06 PM | July 2, 2024

ATS Winnipeg D241: Notice of Run off Election and Election Results for Vice Chairperson

ATS Winnipeg D241: Notice of Run off Election  for 1 VC and Election Results for 2 VCs

4:53 PM | June 28, 2024

Paladin Airport Security Services: Information Rally

We are writing to inform you about an important information rally happening on Friday, July 5th...

2:00 PM | June 28, 2024

Important message from your Unifor leadership team

On June 3rd, Unifor and your elected leadership team held an emergency membership meeting to hear your concerns...

5:00 PM | June 25, 2024

Jazz Line MTC & JTS Members: Ratification Meetings Schedule Update for June 25, 2024

Jazz Line MTC and JTS Members, please take note of the amended Ratification Meetings Schedule - see changes highlighed in RED for Halifax and Vancouver.

9:42 AM | June 25, 2024

Local 2002 Retirees: Election - Retiree Chairperson and Executive Board Member

This notice is to advise all Retiree’s of Unifor Local 2002 that, in accordance with the Bylaws of Unifor Local 2002, an election will take place for the above-mentioned position...

9:00 AM | June 24, 2024

ATS Toronto D340: Election - Health and Safety Representative

This notice is to advise all members of Unifor Local 2002 that, in accordance with the Bylaws of Unifor Local 2002, an election will take place for the above-mentioned position...

8:00 AM | June 24, 2024
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